I couldn't take the yellow anymore so I lightened it. I like it much better but the colors still look really strong to me-I'm just used to the soft lighter colors.
Also I got my sewing table pretty much done so I can finally clean up and make something soon!
I can't wait...I just love seeing all the things you make... Congrads on getting your new sewing table done!!!!
this is a pretty color too, but your banner has disappeared.
oops-imageshack must have been having issues. I uploaded it to photobucket and it's back. thanks Heather!
i think your colors look great!!! all this suspense.... can't take it anymore... can't wait for the big reveal...!
best wishes,
I think your banner looks great! Congratulations on making your own banner. I tried and tried but in the end paid for one.
I think your banner is really cool. Love the hello kitty.
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