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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Baby boy quilt in progress

I found out recently that my daughter's speech therapist is expecting so I decided it would be a good opportunity to make something. So I found out she's having a boy, searched my stash, and wouldn't you know-everything I own is girly. Well almost everything. In the interest of saving time (her last speech session before her ST quits for the year is mid-May) I got a Riley Blake stacker (like a Moda layer cake) and some yardage, found a couple of moda bake shop tutorials I liked, which I will link at the end of this post, and modified them to fit what I wanted. So here it is so far-I laid it out on the floor to figure out how to arrange the blocks and took a picture with my phone. This is before adding sashing and borders and before rotating some blocks. I accidentally put 3 blocks with the same print in the top row. UGH. Oh well, too late since I noticed it after sewing that row together. and those tutorials (shift-click to open them in a new window)
Building Blocks Baby Quilt
Boxed In Quilt

I will post more pics as I get more done. I have the top all sewed. Just need to sandwich it and quilt it. The two things that are the biggest pain for me.


Cheryl said...

Gayle your baby quilt is adorable!

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